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Weather in a Tank

  • YouTube - White Circle

Weather in a Tank

  1. Thermal Fronts & Jet Streams In the atmosphere, air at different latitudes have different temperature. When cold polar air and warm tropical air meet at mid-latitudes, the transition is not gradual, but often abruptly. In this experiment, we are going to study this sharp temperature gradient, known as the polar front.

  2. Tropical Circulation & Trade Winds​ In our atmosphere, there are general circulations which are mainly constrained by two factors - the rotation of the Earth, and the temperature difference at different latitudes. We are going to see how these factors contribute to the tropical circulation and generate trade winds.

  3. General Circulation & Global Heat Regulation After studying atmospheric circulation patterns at low-latitudes, we are going to see how the temperature gradient and the rotation of Earth contribute to the general circulation and the global heat regulation at mid-latitudes.

  4. Ekman Layers When wind blows in the atmosphere, air near the surface rubs against the Earth’s surface. Friction then plays an important role in the balance of forces. As a result, there will be layers in between the lower air near the surface and the free atmosphere above. We are going to examine these boundary layers in rotating fluid, which is an analogue of layers in the atmosphere. These layers are known as the Ekman layers.

  5. Wind Driven Circulation (Ekman Transport) When wind blows across the ocean, it produces waves and currents. In larger scale, it is the ocean circulation. We are going to study how wind drives ocean circulation. You are going to see the Ekman layers in the ocean and learn about the Ekman transport.

  6. Taylor Columns According to the Taylor Proudman Theorem, fluid will move in two dimensions under the fast rotation of the earth. When an incompressible fluid is under geostrophic balance, change of velocity of the fluid with the change of height will be 0, which means the velocity of fluid in vertical direction will be constant. When there is an immovable obstacle, it holds the vertical velocity of the fluid to be 0. Fast rotating fluid cannot go through it. They can just pass around it at all Heights by passing around a column. This stationary column of fluid above the obstacle is called a Taylor Column.

  7. Ocean Gyres Currents, gyres and eddies facilitate large-scale mixing of oceans. They also help regulate our climate, weather, and marine ecosystems. In this experiment, we are going to study ocean gyres, which are mainly formed due to two factors - the rotation of the Earth and prevailing winds.

  8. Balanced Vortex Vortexes are common in our atmosphere. Hurricane, or typhoon, is one type of vortexes found in our atmosphere. A non-rotating frame is not rotating with respect to an observer who is at rest. A rotating frame is rotating with a constant angular velocity and the observer follows this rotation. We are all standing on a rotating frame, which is the Earth. Balance of different forces produces vortexes in a rotating frame.

Virtual Geological Field Trip (Hong Kong)

  • YouTube - White Circle

Virtual Geological Field Trip (Hong Kong)

Episode 1 Po Toi Island

  • 1.1 Introduction 

  • 1.2 Minerals in granite

  • 1.3 Pegmatite

  • 1.4 Weathering of granite

  • 1.5 Cross-cutting rock units

  • 1.6 Unloading joints

  • VR360

Episode 2 ​Bluff Head

  • 2.1 Background

  • 2.2 Vertical Bedding

  • 2.3 Devil's Fist

  • 2.4 Cross Bedding

  • 2.5 Overturned Layers

  • 2.6 Slickenside

  • 2.7 Fold Type

  • VR360

Episode 3 Tung Ping Chau

  • 3.1 Introduction

  • 3.2 Siltstone

  • 3.3 Tilted Bedding

  • 3.4 Lung Lok Shui

  • 3.5 Differential Weathering

  • 3.6 Cham Keng Chau

  • 3.7 Kang Lau Shek

  • 3.8 Rock Pool

  • VR360

Episode 4 High Island​

  • 4.1 Introduction

  • 4.2 Hexagonal Column

  • 4.3 Rock Type and Composition

  • 4.4 Tilted Column

  • 4.5 Ductile Deformation and Dyke

  • 4.6 Fault Breccia

  • 4.7 Sea Cave

  • VR360

Episode 5 Lai Chi Chong

  • 5.1 Introduction (1)

  • 5.1 Introduction (2)

  • 5.2 Load Cast

  • 5.3 Oxidation and Slump fold

  • 5.4 Graded Bedding

  • VR360

Episode 6 Port Island

  • 6.1 Introduction 

  • 6.2 Quartz Vein

  • 6.3 Faults

  • 6.4 Rock Type

Episode 7 Ma Shi Chau

  • VR360

Virtual Geological Field Trip (Taiwan)

  • YouTube - White Circle

Virtual Geological Field Trip (Taiwan)

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